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Mokshadarshini (Kay Bovis)

Dharma Teacher and Yoga Instructor

Mokshadarshini (Kay Bovis) works full-time for the Croydon Buddhist Centre teaching Buddhism, meditation and yoga. She is one of our two “Mitra Convenors'', jointly responsible for the spiritual welfare of those who attend the Buddhist Centre. Mokshadarshini lives with her partner and two children near Crystal Palace, South London. 

Teaching Experience

Mokshadarshini has worked as a teacher for more than twenty years, focusing on yoga, Buddhism and meditation. Following a career as an English teacher, she qualified as a yoga teacher, offering yoga in a range of styles to both adults and children. She has been teaching Buddhism and meditation at the Croydon Buddhist Centre since 2016. 


  • Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order (2016)

  • Teaching Diploma with the British Wheel of Yoga (2004)

  • PGCE at the Institute of Education, London (1998)

  • BA (Hons.) English Literature, University of Warwick (1988)

Links to selected work:

Free Buddhist Audio: Question and Answer Session Osn Running "Hidden Gems", a Right Livelihood Business


When she isn’t teaching Mokshadarshini loves knitting, cycling and spending time with her family.

Mokshadarshini (Kay Bovis)
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