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Prajnanandi (Dr Jane Garrett)

Safeguarding Officer and Dharma Teacher

Prajnanandi (Dr Jane Garrett) teaches Buddhism and meditation at the Croydon Buddhist Centre. She is the Safeguarding Officer for the Centre, which means she has an important role in upholding ethical conduct within our community.  Her main field of interest is Mahamudra/Yogachara meditation techniques, and she keenly shares her meditation expertise with people with all levels of experience. Her current focus is making Triratna Buddhist Centres and the ordination training process more accessible to neurodiverse individuals.

Teaching experience

Prajnanandi has been teaching meditation and Buddhism at the Croydon Buddhist Centre since 2016 and has been regularly leading retreats since 2018. 

Prior to that, for 22 years Prajnanandi taught Physics in both state and private schools. In her final teaching years she worked in a special needs school tutoring pupils who were unable to attend mainstream education, often on a one-to-one basis.


  • Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order (2018)

  • PhD in Geology (the numerical analysis of microfossils) (1993)

Links to selected work:

Autism and the Triratna Buddhist Community (2023)

Prajnanandi "Finding Friendships" - Autism & Buddhist Practice - Autistic Awakening (2023)

Free Buddhist Audio: Sunrise with Ibex (2018)


When she is not teaching Prajnanandi loves dragons, J.R.R. Tolkien and flying kites.

Prajnanandi (Dr Jane Garrett)
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